Thursday 5 December 2013

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Journal 8

What are the pros and cons of working for georaphic as a journalist? Pros: They get to tavel to differen places, meet different people, and try different things. Cons: They have to deal with lonliness, diseases, and injuries. A lot of dangerous thins can happen to them. One man in the video had said that he's broken his back on one of his photoraphy excersions. And they had more photographers tell their stories of when they had injured themselves while working. What skills does a person need to have this job? - You have to know your software - Study other photographers work - Pracrice photography - Equipment skills and training - Editing skills - Marketing skills - People skills

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Journal #5 - Pinhole Camera Pics

So for my picture it didnt turn out as well, it's supposed to be a picture of a bike and you can kind of see the wheel. At the bottom part light has leaked in, and I don't think that I got the timing rigt for the picture. I tried to make a good picture many times and this one was probably the best out of all of them. My pictures just weren't working out.

Thursday 12 September 2013

I really love being outside.                   This is one of the doughnuts from where I work - Tim Hortons.
And finally, I love going for rides on my uncles bike

Thursday 5 September 2013

Assignment 1 - Landscaping

"Carcus post Chavez" - John Vink
This is my favourite because I think the lights look really nice in this picture. Also I like how the photo is taken on top of another building because you can really see the whole view of this city. I like the colour of the sky in this photo, the photographer could of taken this picture later at night like a lot of other city and lights pictures, but he made it different and took it at an earlier time of day. The final reason why I think this is the best out of the 3 is I like how the picture has things like the clothes hanging on the ropes. It adds a lot more detail to the photo.

"NYC Blackout"

"Meanwhile Developement Develops"